Counter strike: It is a multiplatform shooter video game created by the company Valve for Microsoft. The game consists of a battle between two teams, the Terrorists and the Counter-Terrorists (T and CT, respectively), who face each other in different game modes.

The mode played in ranked games and tournaments is in which the Terrorist side has to plant and defend a bomb while the Counter-Terrorists defend the areas of planting the bomb and its subsequent deactivation. In this game mode each team will play 15 rounds of 2 minutes as a terrorist and 15 rounds of 2 minutes as a counter-terrorist. The winning team will be the first to win 16 rounds.

Game Mode

As for the game modalities regarding Lirium, 1v1 games can be played with any player registered on our platform. In addition, clan wars can be carried out, where the group of players who manage to win the most games will be victorious.

How to play ?

  1. Register on our platform!
  2. Create a valve account and acquire the csgo
  3. Challenge your rivals
  4. Wait for your opponent and place your bet
  5. Get rewards thanks to your skill